Contrarian take on Ukraine
You may have already editorialized about this, but I'd like to re-enforce the fact that the Ukraine was never a model democracy, and all this propaganda we get via our media (Bulletin, too?) about "defending democracy" is, well, propaganda. Not that the Russians are in the right in any way, but your readers may recall during Obama's reign, even then Biden's family was implicated in several corruption investigations (that dribbled into noting) in the Ukraine. That nation was known to be corrupt ... and there is no way to deny the charge of "Nazis" in the Ukrainian gov't -- not that the Jewish president is one, but his government accepted the notorious Azov Battalion and incorporated it into the Ukraine military, whole. That unit was in often the media with it's neo-Nazi insignia, chants and salutes ...
The former Ukrainian government was democratically elected by the Ukrainian people. But the people had the gall to elect a Russian-friendly administration. So it was over-thrown, not voted out, and replaced by the West's surrogate. The new government signaled it's intention to join the anti-Russian alliance, NATO. Russia flipped out, but their attempts were ignored by the West .... almost AS IF the West wanted Russia to get bogged down in defending its borders.
It seems evident to me that this entire effort is the West's attempt to keep Russia busy on it borders, encircled by hostile nations, and too busy to confront American forces, as they did in Syria. It is a message to the Chinese leadership, too.
Frankly, I do not see why we need to support either side. And we might look at the Russian propaganda to their own people and wonder if there's any possibility that we, Canadians, and being propagandized, too. It is not difficult to turn any military action into "war crimes" -- it just takes enough propaganda. There are always horror stories which can be weaponized!
Kerry Sullivan
Aylmer / Plateau