City sees no mosquitoes in Aylmer
A few weeks ago, the Bulletin reported that Gatineau was going to spray for mosquitoes in Hull and Gatineau, but not in Aylmer. I called to find out why. Once again, Aylmer gets the short end!
City officials decided they would spray near the river (Aylmer does not qualify as being “near the river”. Maybe the city employees should get a map of their city!) The woman added that there was not enough money in the budget, so Aylmer was left out. What is more outrageous is, she said that if we wanted to have Aylmer sprayed, there would have to be a referendum, and our taxes would go up if we voted yes. Please do not be shy to call 311, and complain about this or anything else!
On another note, what is it with new sidewalks on BOTH sides of Vanier Road between Lucerne and the river, and Fraser Road between Lucerne and the river? We have lived in Wychwood for 42 years, and we do not have ANY sidewalks on ANY streets.
J. Lacoste