City council meetings
Aylmer councillors show up !
Reports tabulating the absenteeism rate of municipal councillors at formal city meetings between 2014 and 2016 show that Aylmer councillors have, as expected, spent a lot of time at City Hall in the past two years.
In 2016, Richard Bégin, councillor for Deschênes, was present at every formal council meeting. He attended the 49 plenary meetings, the 20 preparatory meetings and the 20 municipal council sessions. Mike Duggan, representing Lucerne Ward, missed two plenary meetings, but participated in every preparatory and council meeting in 2016. On the other hand, Josée Lacasse, Aylmer Ward councillor, missed nine plenary meetings and three preparatory and council meetings. Plateau councillor Maxime Tremblay missed eight plenary meetings. A member of Council’s executive committee, Tremblay attended 45 of its 51 sittings.
In 2015, it was councillor Duggan who had perfect attendance at council meetings. Bégin missed two plenary and preparatory meetings, but participated in 19 council meetings. Tremblay missed five plenary meetings, two of 20 preparatory meetings, and two of the 19 council meetings. He also missed 10 of the 48 executive committee meetings. Like Tremblay, Lacasse missed five plenary meetings, but she attended each preparatory meeting while missing only one council meeting.
In 2014, Lacasse’s absenteeism rate was lower, missing four of 48 plenary meetings, one of 17 council meetings and none of the 22 preparatory meetings. Duggan participated in 45 of the 48 plenary meetings, each preparatory meeting, and 16 of 17 council sessions. Bégin missed only two plenary meetings. The Plateau’s councillor missed five plenary and only one council meeting. He was also present at 49 of the 57 executive committee meetings.