Chelsea begs for nursing services
In the midst of the provincial elections, when improving healthcare services was promised by every candidate, Chelsea’s residents were asking the government of Quebec to restore the sole nursing position at Chelsea’s sole CLSC. Mayor Caryl Green wants the CISSSO (Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l’Outaouais) to take quick action in restoring the missing position. “Chelsea residents have spoken, the demand for nursing services in Chelsea is great, so the CISSSO must restore the nurse position immediately,” Ms Green told the media. “Chelsea is the only CLSC in the Outaouais to not have even a nurse.” Her intervention is directed towards the future provincial government and the president of the CISSSO. Earlier this week, the CISSSO had met, inconclusively, to discuss Chelsea’s complaint.
A citizen consultation reveals that many residents rely on the services of a nurse. They now must travel to Masham, Cantley, Wakefield or Val-des-Monts. In this survey, over 630 families responded, 20% of Chelsea’s population. Of those, 130 individuals have had to use a nurse’s services in a CLSC, from January 2016 to the present. Apparently, most residents travel to Masham. Residents had to travel 677 times during the period to consult a nurse: 417 times to Masham, 74 to the weekend clinic at the Wakefield Hospital, 58 times to Cantley, 20 times to Val-des-Monts and 108 to Gatineau.
Nurses’ services include bandaging after surgery, injections, aid during post-chemotherapy, vaccinations to children – to name but a few.
Last March, Chelsea council established a Working Group on Health Services to determine the health needs of its residents and to focus on services required now and in the future.
The nursing position was abolished in 2013 for budgetary reasons, according to the municipality. The nurse then in Chelsea was assigned to the Val-des-Monts CLSC.
Chelsea’s CLSC is located at 490 Route 105. There are 19 CLSCs in the region. Four are in the MRC des Collines, including Chelsea.