Champlain Bridge approach needs report
I’m very surprised that the Bulletin hasn’t done a story about the Champlain Bridge approach (from Blvd Aylmer south onto the bridge). Aside from the long lines caused by construction work, the lane markings are very confusing. The right lane is clearly marked (now) as a right-turn-only lane (onto the Lower Road), but the vast majority of commuters stick to that lane to go straight through onto the bridge. The left lane has the straight-through arrows onto the bridge, but there is also an old HOV diamond symbol on that lane. Lots of honking and a few fingers raised. Comments on Facebook are even worse; some are advocating to ignore the signage because it’s ‘not logical’, even though to do so is illegal. No police presence ever, which probably isn’t surprising considering traffic flow doesn’t seem to be of interest to them.
Anyway, it’s a good story that affects so many people in our fair city, so maybe let’s see some pictures and get comments from the traffic folks and police about the situation.
Tom New