Challenges Périès editorial
In the July 13th Bulletin, (editorialist) Didier Périès argues (“In hate we trust”) that religion contributes to spreading violence against gay people because the main religious writings promote a heterosexual rather than homosexual view of sexuality.
I am a Christian and respond to Périès argument by sharing how the Bible has influenced my attitude towards gay people. The Bible is helping me to have greater love and respect for all people, including people of same sex-attraction. Jesus' life and teaching motivates me to love my neighbour, regardless of his or her personal convictions and choices. The Bible has also encouraged me to be humble with people who differ from me.
I caution Mr Périès in making extreme deductions such as “In hate we trust” to those who hold convictions based on faith beliefs. Yes, I believe in God and I accept the scripture's description of heterosexuality as God's design for sexual relationships. But I do not hate people who hold opposite beliefs about sexuality. I respect that everyone has been given the choice to believe and act as they wish.
Greg Gibson