Camera inspection of water pipes scheduled in Wychwood
Bulletin Aylmer staff
Gatineau’s Executive Committee granted Veolia ES Canada Industrial Services a $181,000 contract to inspect the municipal water pipes in Wychwood and in Gatineau’s residential sector called zone Blanche, located in the city’s east end.
“The work should get underway this spring and we anticipate receiving the results this summer,” explained Cédrick Tessier, President of Gatineau’s Executive Committee.
Veolia, who are world leaders in providing water services and technologies, will inspect the water mains with a camera.
Thanks to a robotic camera which is inserted into the water system, the inspection can detect problems with the mains and provide a more complete diagnostic.
A number of Wychwood residents have been plagued with flooding, sewer backups and other water related problems over the past years. This contract is a first step in solving recurring flooding in this sector of Aylmer and in the residential neighbourhood in Gatineau’s east end.