Bird-watching: Brewery Creek, Gatineau Park & Sabourin Marsh
May 6, Brewery Creek in Hull. The Club des ornithologues de l’Outaouais (COO) proposes that at spring’s migration peak, come get acquainted with a section of the surprising Brewery Creek and it’s avian biodiversity -- in the very heart of our city! For a taste, visit the fascinating “Brewery Creek blog” (in French) at http://ruisseau-brasserie.blogspot.ca/
Rendez-vous: 8 am, in École secondaire de l’Île parking lot, St-Rédempteur Street (corner Sacré-Coeur Street), Hull. Your hosts: Mélissa and Mélodie Courchesne. Duration: the morning. We speak English.
May 7. “Warblers and other migratory birds in Gatineau Park” planned by the Club des ornithologues de l’Outaouais (COO). We’ll head to Champlain Lookout to watch the birds along park trails. Identification of various warblers and other passerine songbirds. Discussion about their ecology and conservation. Opportunities to see rare local breeders, such as the Cerulean Warbler, Wood Thrush, and boreal migratory birds on the move, plus the Orange-Crowned Warbler.
Rendez-vous: 7:30 am in the parking lot of the Gatineau Park’s welcome and interpretative Centre (Chelsea). Duration: the morning. Your guide: Carl Savignac. We speak English.
May 10. Sabourin Marsh at dusk, also planned by the Club des ornithologues de l’Outaouais (COO). We’ll watch typical marsh birds within the city’s heart! Rendez-vous: 6 pm in the Sporthèque parking end, 72 rue Jean-Proulx, Hull sector. Your hosts: Chantal Caseault and Pierre Blanchet 819-775-3051. We speak English.
For detailed information about our activities (mostly open to everyone), contact the Club at our web site www.coo.qc.ca.
Claude Martineau, COO