Bird-watching across the region
From the Club des ornithologues de l’Outaouais (COO):
May 7. Brewery Creek. In the middle of the spring migration’s peak, get acquainted with a section of Brewery Creek in the very heart of our city! Rendez-vous: 8:30 am on École secondaire de l’Île parking lot, St-Rédempteur street (Sacré-Cœur intersection), Hull. Duration: the morning. We speak English. Your hosts : Mélissa and Mélodie Courchesne, mlissacourchesne@yahoo.ca melodiecourchesne@yahoo.fr
May 7. Wing-beats along Ottawa River. We’ll greet waterfowl and passerines at their spring migration’s peak, following the bike path and surrounding woods between Parc Brébeuf and Champlain Bridge (Hull). Duration: around three hours. Rendez-vous: 8:00 am near Parc Brébeuf statue, at the end of Bégin street, via Taché Blvd. We speak English. Your hosts: Monique Boivin (819-639-9919) and Martin Aubé (819-772-2504).
May 7. A ramble in Duhamel. Our expert Daniel invites you to explore the area at spring migration’s peak. Good walking boots and insect repellent are advised and bring a substantial lunch. Expected duration: around four hours. Opportunity to continue in the afternoon on Iroquois trail. Rendez-vous: 6:00 am at École secondaire de l’Île parking lot, St-Rédempteur street (Sacré-Cœur intersection), Hull, to organize a carpool among participants and/or 8:00 am in Duhamel: starting at the end of road 321 in the village, turn left, then right at the next stop and finally, 500 m away, turn right again. We’ll be at the end of the road in Lac de La Ferme parking lot. We speak English. Your host: Daniel Perrier (613-842-7989 (home) / 613-355-4995 (cell phone).
May 8. Bird-banding demonstration. Birds caught with Japanese nets in Lamoureux marsh area. Rendez-vous: 7:00 am to 11:00 am at the end of Lamoureux street, Deschênes rapids, Aylmer. We can also park at the end of Vanier street. We speak English. This area is included in Lake Deschêne’s IBA (N.B., IBA acronym: Important Bird Area). Your host: Ted Cheskey, of Nature Canada (819-595-9528) TCheskey@naturecanada.ca
For detailed information about our activities (mostly open to everyone), contact the COO at info@coo.qc.ca, visit our web site www.coo.qc.ca .
Claude Martineau, COO