Barbecue coming in March!
Award-winning Aylmer Dog Club: Please keep our parks clean!
The Aylmer Dog Club is urging people to keep the dog exercise areas at the Jardins-Lavigne Park and at the enclosed Paul Pelletier exercise area (next to Aylmer’s pool) as clean as possible. In a recent newsletter, the club noted, “We all take it upon ourselves to empty the garbage bags as soon as they are half full and deposit them at the parking entrance. Your participation would be greatly appreciated. This will not only protect everyone’s health, but it will help us in keeping our wonderful areas as playgrounds for our canine companions to run and play freely with their doggy friends.” Often, dog owners will carry the half-full larger garbage bags part-way towards the end of the path and then trade off with another person who is also leaving, similar to a relay race.
The local pet shop, Pitou-Minou & Compagnons, supplies baggies for dog owners who have forgotten to bring bags to clean up after their furry friends.
Last December, the Aylmer Dog Club was recognized by the city for its October 4, 2015 barbecue at the Jardins-Lavigne Park, during which Doctor Gregory Varney of the Aylmer Veterinary Clinic demonstrated first aid for dogs. The event also featured nail clipping, tag engraving and free dog behavior consultations. Over 400 attended the event. The club notes that “such an award is a first for a dog owner association.”
The Dog Club’s next event is a barbecue at the Jardins-Lavigne Park on March 5.