Aylmer stays healthy, every step of the way
The Walking Club in the Galeries Aylmer has resumed activities as summer winds down. Founded by Rhéal Fauvelle 25 years ago, the club has 60 members today. Mr Fauvelle enjoyed walking but, as he fought cancer, he lost the ability to walk year-round through the elements. The tradition of interior walking became popular, with a peak membership of some 120 walkers.
Membership is free, including sign-up and T-shirts. Estelle Vermette is the co-ordinator now; she has been responsible for the club for 18 years. Sign-up information is available from Ms Vermette at the community kiosk in the Galeries Aylmer Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 9:30 am. For more information: 819 684-6026.