Léger survey
Aylmer most satisfied with municipal services
The 2018 edition of Gatineau’s Municipal Indicator, which gives the residents’ degree of satisfaction with municipal services, was released October 30. The indicator shows in which sectors city services are most appreciated, and helps administrators in their decision-making.
Between May 17 and 27, 1,152 Gatineau residents over age 18 were surveyed, with 200 from Aylmer. The clear conclusion is that Aylmer residents are much more satisfied with municipal services than residents of other sectors.
On average, surveyed individuals gave a 7.2 out of 10 rating with regard to satisfaction, a slight decrease from 2014 for the whole of Quebec. Within Gatineau, Hull and Aylmer residents were the most satisfied with municipal services.
Snow removal and streets/sidewalks maintenance are the two areas where Gatineau residents are less satisfied. As for public works, Aylmer residents are the most satisfied, registering a 7.3 rating. Within recreation and culture services, city parks and green spaces as well as bike paths were indicated as the most important to citizens.
With regard to client service, most Gatineau residents do use the 3-1-1 non-urgent call centre (74% of those surveyed).
More buses, bike paths, snow-clearing
As for priorities, residents indicated that they would like improvements in public transportation and in the time required for sidewalk snow-clearing. Most Aylmer residents would like to see improvements in active and public transportation. This translates into more STO buses and more bike paths.
Ninety-six per cent of Aylmer residents surveyed appreciate the “quality of life” in Gatineau. Of all sectors, Aylmer residents are the most interested in what is happening in their city (92%). Aylmer is the only sector with its own newspaper, covering city news. According to the survey, of all Quebec municipalities, Gatineau residents have the highest participation rate in recreational activities and events organized by their city.
This was Gatineau’s fifth edition of the Municipal Indicator. (Trans.: CB)