Aylmer institution gets a make-over
L’imagier selects an architectural firm
The architect firm Lapalme Rheault will design the new Centre d'exposition L'Imagier building on Front Street. “The firm is familiar with Aylmer,” said Marianne Breton, Director of the artistic centre; “we’ve met and have obtained a few internal drawings, but we are still working on the final plans.” The firm’s earlier buildings in Aylmer include Pro-Cycle Aylmer.
L'Imagier’s board of directors selected the Gatineau firm following a public call for tenders. According to Ms. Breton, “as an exhibition center, we have very specific needs. An exhibition room requires circulation and security features,” she told the Bulletin.
The board of directors expects the final plans soon and is anticipating a start by next year, after the present building is knocked down – spring, 2016.
“We are slightly behind schedule. The demolition was initially for fall, but now it’s spring,” added Ms. Breton. L’Imagier’s director explained that the delay was caused by all the details and information required. The centre is located in a heritage zone, which can complicate the approval process. The current building is, however, not of heritage interest.
Plans to renovate the centre were unveiled December 8, 2014, with both federal and provincial funding. Total cost is estimated at over $1.8 million.