Aylmer gets 3
22 projects from Gatineau’s Green Fund
During the April 11 municipal council meeting, financing of 22 proposed environmental projects submitted by non-profit organizations and Gatineau schools were approved. The selected projects will share a total of $236,696.
“Again this year, organizations and schools have presented very original projects. Projects that will create awareness on the importance of protecting our living environment,” declared Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin. All the projects retained for funding fall within the frame of the City’s environmental policy, adopted in 2008 so that Gatineau evolves towards sustainable development.
Three projects in Aylmer
Three organizations in the Aylmer sector will receive funding: Friends of Wychwood, Deschênes Residents Association, and Boucher Forest Foundation. These organizations presented projects in the areas of preservation, reforesting and citizen engagement.
According to Adrian Corbo, Boucher Forest Foundation President, “This will be a festive year for the Foundation; our 10th anniversary coincides with Canada’s 150th and this has given us access to funding that will enable us to celebrate the Boucher Forest with the residents of Gatineau.”
Since its creation, the Green Fund contest, now in its eleventh edition, has offered funding of over 1.9 million dollars.
(Trans.: CB)