Attacking social responsibility
My response to questions in your editorial of April 22, 2015 (on “communism”): First, as to the Conservatives "tagging along" with the denigration of communism. I believe this is misdirection on their part by choosing to tag along with a manufactured concept of communism that bundles social responsibility and social assistance into their conception of communism. This misdirection gives them free reign to attack social responsibility and assistance, in the guise of communism, as an enemy of Conservative capitalist ideology.
This attack is specious at best and may be seen as criminal in intent. On the one hand the Conservatives rail against communism but fund it whole-heartedly through capitalist ideological greed. Further, rather than spend taxes on social responsibility they will spend millions on a worthless monument of misdirection and call it a proud display to victims of communism. A disgraceful misappropriation of tax dollars. That's what's going on.
Second, as to who is pushing communism in Canada. I believe that communism is being pushed on Canadians by Conservatives in a false flag operation to bolster their capitalist ideology while attacking social responsibility which they have couched within their definition of communism. This is a Conservative platform of attack, tacitly espoused in the pages of The Economist which is based on capitalist ideological thinking. That's what's going on.
Third, in response to your conclusions. Communism is not an alternative to capitalism, it is a violent reaction to capitalism, which crushes the masses in order to extend the capitalists’ greed. I cannot support the extreme methods of communism as a reply to capitalist greed, but what I can do is uncouple the idea of social responsibility from the Conservative idea of communism. Having done this I can argue for social responsibility against the option of letting capitalism run rampant, as witnessed by corporate board members’ obscene salaries and bonuses, and unpunished crimes of financial institutions’ frauds and manipulations, and politicians bought and paid for by lobbyists and
capitalist greedhounds and war-mongers.
We summon up the spectre of communism at our peril because it plays into the hands of Conservatives’ and capitalists’ false flag forays. We, the regular working people, must realize that we do not have to swallow the Conservatives fearmongering of communism because it only exists in their universe as a way to control the working class while they plunder our natural resources, abuse those who have no recourse, and line with lucre the silk pockets of their capitalist brethren.
That's what's going on.
Ronald Temchuk