Another “minor variation”
New construction on Garden Road
January 26, Gatineau council adopted a “minor variation”, reducing the minimum front setback from 40.5 metres to 17 metres for a new building at 59 Garden Road in the Champlain Park area of Aylmer.
The new structure will be built between an existing building and a planned street. According to zoning regulations, the building should have a minimum front setback of 40.5 metres and a lateral minimum of 5.5 metres on the street side.
The urban planning committee, Comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU) met on December 7 and recommended the minor variation. According to the committee documents, reducing the front setback will result in saving the maximum number of trees in the rear and the owner will benefit from a larger backyard.
The CCU also noted that, with this minor variation, the new construction will be aligned with neighbouring buildings on the street, except for the adjacent building at 65 Garden.
The lots are different. 65 Garden is 120 metres deep with a surface area of 8157 square metres. 59 Garden measures 68 metres deep and has a surface area of 2081 square metres.
The CCU added that this modification does not inhibit the right of enjoyment of property for the neighbours. The CCU argues that the neighbouring residences are built on large lots and that there will be no adverse visual impact on the alignment of the buildings.
The proposed 17-metre front setback for 59 Garden Road is similar to that of other constructions on that street and the reduced setback will also be better for storm rain drainage. (Trad. : CB)