A word from the publisher about the health of the Bulletin
Last year, the Bulletin asked the community for help getting through a difficult season financially. It was no surprise to readers that Aylmer’s local little paper would be experiencing similar difficulties as papers across the country. Readers responded with money, ideas, paid advertising, subscriptions, news tips and offers to volunteer. What a community!
Here we are one year later and the Bulletin has good news – the crisis faced last year is not back this year. No one claims that the Bulletin is as financially healthy as it was in 2016, or 1999. But readers and advertisers, community organizations and sports teams, can all rest assured that there is no risk of a newspaper closure in Aylmer.
There are several reasons for this healthy situation. For one, everyone at the paper rolled up their sleeves and worked to the best of their abilities to be efficient and helpful. The administration people take their responsibilities seriously and have run a tight ship! Advertisers stayed with the Bulletin as their preferred vehicle to grow their business and a couple of governmental programs helped finance the newspaper during this period of difficulty. Advertising from the Ville de Gatineau has been continued, even increased. The benefit is two-fold. Residents have more access to information from their municipal government – a credit to the city’s regard for transparency. And the advertising dollars spent make a significant difference to the Bulletin’s bottom line. Readers are tied to each of these ways the Bulletin was assisted. Without readers, none of this is worthwhile – thank you! Keep your news tips and letters coming – and advertising referrals.
Long live local newspapers!