$80 million per kilometre: light rail
The future train will somehow develop a green economy using electric and ecological technology, whatever that is. It will cost $2.1 billion or $80 million per km. The city officials are confident that our public transit is no longer sufficient to handle the congestion which will only increase as Aylmer adds more housing (without adding more infrastructure).
To fund this, the city needs help from the provincial and federal governments. Officials point to Montreal and Quebec City which have been successful in getting funding from both levels of government for big transit projects.
There are more and more people living in the west. Between 2001 and 2011, there was almost a 50% increase in the west end's population. When this project is complete, the City will certainly want to bring light rail to the east end, at least into the Gatineau sector. Costs will escalate.
One key is to have as many residents as possible able to walk to one of the stations.
(As if we walk anywhere, these days!) The report claimed 42.6% of existing homes west of Gatineau Park will be within a 700 metre walk of a station.
Further studies were to take place. Final design submission were to be in by March, 2020. These would be environmental studies, plans, design and construction, from 2020 to 2028). This rail system of the future will be ready by 2028. So said the city's documents. Today we are already three years behind schedule -- giving us time to re-think the whole idea. Government money is not free money. It is our taxes. Is this the best we can do?
Constance Belleau