$6.5 million in additional funding for Gatineau’s colleges
The Minister of the Family and Minister responsible for the Outaouais region, Mathieu Lacombe, announced on August 19 that the region’s colleges will receive close to 6.5 million dollars in additional funding.
The Cegep de l’Outouais’ two campuses will divide 4.7 million dollars between them whilst Heritage College will receive $1.8 million.
According to the Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, these investments will help CEGEPs “cope with a fragile financial situation”, insisting that “CEGEPs will now have free rein to put in place the measures they deem necessary and thus enable students to succeed, according to their priorities and needs. ”
In Saint-Jérome on the same date, Mr Roberge also announced the collegiate institutions of Quebec will be able to enjoy an additional 68 million dollars in their budget as of the beginning of this fall’s semester, following revisions to the provinces allocation model.
Taking into account the amounts intended to fund system costs and improvements in teacher compensation, this is an investment of nearly 150 million dollars for CEGEPs in the 2019–2020 academic year.